A thrilling story of an Iraq War veteran, John Cloud, suffering from debilitating PTSD. Now home, he attempts to reconcile for years of neglect and regain the love of the women in his life. Things happen in war, sometimes devastating and unintended. A determined enemy seeks revenge and to kill the entire Cloud family. Two Latina women struggle to immigrate to the US and become immersed in the conflict. This helpless group must band together, to confront their ruthless attackers, before it is too late.
A thrilling story of an Iraq War veteran, John Cloud, suffering from debilitating PTSD. Now home, he attempts to reconcile for years of neglect and regain the love of the women in his life. Things happen in war, sometimes devastating and unintended. A determined enemy seeks revenge and to kill the entire Cloud family. Two Latina women struggle to immigrate to the US and become immersed in the conflict. This helpless group must band together, to confront their ruthless attackers, before it is too late.

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